Dr Kelly Fleming

Life is a journey, each person's journey is unique.


  • Inclusion in the Church – Part 10

    There are individuals who have severe allergies which disable them from partaking of potluck lunches after Church services. Many people with an invisible disability due to food severe food allergies do not participate in after-service gatherings due to the risk of being exposed to an allergen that could be life-threatening. Food needs to include allergen… Read more

  • Inclusion in the Church – Part 9

    The Church needs to become aware of assistive aids that help disabled people become included in services and social gatherings as well as things that are barriers for accessibility. Basic accessibility includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) ramped access, 2) an audio induction loop installed in the church and regular checks to… Read more

  • Inclusion in the Church – Part 8

    Many Church buildings are structurally designed in a way that is representative of the Temple in Jerusalem. When we step back and look at how the building has been constructed, its architecture and furnishings, it is vital that we consider how this building, constructed in visual beauty has erected barriers for disabled people. Change only… Read more

  • Inclusion in the Church – Part 7

    An important point to emphasize and remember is that a person should never ask direct questions to a person regarding their disability. The disabled person or a parent of a disabled child will choose what information to share and when to share it. Questions regarding immediate issues to accessibility and communication methods are appropriate to… Read more

  • Inclusion in the Church – Part 6

    Sometimes inclusion is not about meeting a new person who is disabled but rather it is about a spouse or friend who acquires a permanent disability. The non-disabled spouse or friend may have difficulties in adapting their thoughts and may even unknowingly change their attitude towards their disabled spouse or friend which places an invisible… Read more

  • Inclusion in the Church – Part 5

    It is equally important to never assume what another person thinks. To avoid assumptions, friendships need to be formed. The more someone gets to know the disabled person, the better they will understand how the individual sees themselves, including both negative and positive emotions. Inclusion is a ministry towards disabled people as well as their… Read more