Dr Kelly Fleming

Life is a journey, each person's journey is unique.

Inclusion in the Church – Part 11

When we look back at the Great Banquet explained in detail in Luke chapter 14, we are forced to ask ourselves if our Church building exemplifies the Great Banquet for full inclusion of disabled people. In Christ, we all belong to a tremendous international and eternal family. God wants us to make His Church barrier-free so that disabled people have the same opportunity to worship and serve as non-disabled people. It is not enough to simply provide an accessible local Church; inclusion must be embraced in the entire Church. The Church has been built on interdependence and every believer is necessary for the Body of Christ on earth to be complete. When a group of individuals are excluded from all aspects of the Church, the Body of Christ is not functioning to its fullest capacity, and it fails in a vital role of missionary work, in effect, disabling it. (Deuel & John, 2019)


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